Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Menacing Magicican

Well, he's not really a menace but he does present a small issue.

My boss got this magician to come do magic shows here at Hickory Dickory Dock. The magician wants to do a stage show; it's no problem because we have all the resources. The problem is that he did a show this past Saturday in our conference room and out of all the hundreds of customers, only around twenty went to watch his act. This is a free magic show by the way. It's pretty good.

My question is, as a customer of Hickory Dickory Dock, what would have to happen for you to want to watch a magic show with your kids here at Hickory Dickory Dock?

I, myself, feel that Hickory Dickory Dock offers more of a street magic show environment than a stage show. What if the magician walked around Hickory Dickory Dock doing magic tricks? Would he get a larger audience that way?

1 comment:

  1. I think walking around Is a great idea! Maybe he could do little mini shows throughout the store and then end with a larger staged show in your confence room.
