Monday, December 15, 2008

How the Gears Turn

Here at Hickory Dickory Dock we have about 24-30 employees. Most of our staff are employed part-time and are usually high school or college students. I feel that our current management team is one of the best we've had in years. On a weekly basis, things run smoothly other than a few hiccups here and there, but you're always going to get those.

Our weeks start on Monday. That's when everything has finally settled from the weekend. Mondays and Tuesdays give us the opportunity to clean a lot of the mess that acquires during the weekend. We have our staff sweep the parking lot and climb the soft play unit to completely spray it down with sanitizer. Its a mess with hundreds of children playing in there throughout the weekend. They also dust off the soft play unit and arcade games.

We have our staff meeting every Wednesday. During the meetings we discuss things that happened during the weekend. We also share ideas to improve the work place and let the staff know about any future events or changes happening around Hickory Dickory Dock. The other managers and I usually try to plan a fun activity for our training sessions. Our staff really enjoy those.

Nothing happens much behind the scene on Thursday, but we do have a karaoke open to anyone that day from 6:00 to 8:00. We also have a person, we call him "The Floor Guy," who comes in every Thursday and Sunday night to mop, buff and wax our floor. Don't get me wrong, we mop every night but this guy just puts the extra touch on it.

Fridays aren't as busy as they used to be but we still get a good number of customers in here. We have our management meeting on this day.

Saturdays and Sundays, only one word can describe. Busy. I haven't worked on Saturday in a long time now; it's my only day off, but I know how things get. From the moment I clock-in to the moment I clock-out, there is always something to do. If you follow my blogs in the next few weeks, you'll see what I mean.

I don't work on Saturday but believe me, I'll have to work Saturday on Sunday.

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